It's like this as of right now my province has no science because I have been putting everything I have into military. But now my military is build. People will be able to study this see how a strong province is still a strong province science or no science. If you province is weak without science than I must say your province is weak. Take a look at my province and let me all the weak points you see.

The Province of Red Mist (??:??)
[ Angel v1.92 Beta]

Server: World of Legends (Age 40)
Utopian Date: March 3rd, YR3 (80% in the day)
RL Date: August 31st, 2008 (8:48 GMT)

Ruler Name: Lord Blood Shed
Personality & Race: Gnome
Land: 1,159 Acres
Money: 443,555gc (29,566gc daily income)
**I just set my wages at 200%. And I have my draft
rate set to .5% and draft set at 66%**
Food: 79,398 bushels
Runes: 27,916 runes
Population: 39,439 citizens (34.03 per Acre)
Peasants: 12,883 (100% Building Efficiency)
Trade Balance: -55,888gc (0% tax rate)
**My trade is messed up because a team mate is trying
to fix his TB by giving me runes and in war time I will be the one giving aid**

ME+Stance (no spells): RawME 93.4%
91.82% off. / 119.41% def.
Soldiers: 103 (65% estimated draft rate)
**My full military counting thieves and wizards
is around 70%. My province can keep a military of up to
85% before RAWBE starts to drop under 100%**
Halflings: 0
Pikemen: 1,060 (6,329 defense)
Golems: 19,744 (90,646 offense / 117,886 defense)
War-Horses: 3,750 (up to 3,443 additional offense)
Prisoners: 0

Total Modified Offense: 94,184 (81.26 per Acre)
Practical (50% elites): 48,861 (42.16 per Acre)
Total Modified Defense: 124,338 (107.28 per Acre)
Practical (50% elites): 65,395 (56.42 per Acre)

Thieves: 4,728 (4.08 per Acre / 100% Stealth)
**I have 1,200+ in training right now.**
Wizards: 921 (0.79 per Acre / 76% Mana)
**My goal is 4rawwpa. However I want to reach
that goal after we do our second war.**

Crystal-Ball on your province will show:
Max. Possible Thieves/Wizards: 6,776 (5.85 / Acre)
Estimated Thieves Number: 2,710 (2.34 per Acre)
Estimated Wizards Number: 1,016 (0.88 per Acre)

** Networth Table: **
Total Networth: 210,902gc (181.97 per Acre)
Golems: 103,656gc (49%) - [5.25gc]
Land (90% built): 59,109gc (28%) - [15+40gc]
Thieves: 18,912gc (9%) - [4gc]
Peasants: 12,883gc (6%) - [1gc]
Pikemen: 5,300gc (3%) - [5gc]
Science (estimated): 4,510gc (2%) - [1/92gc]
Wizards: 3,684gc (2%) - [4gc]
War Horses: 2,250gc (1%) - [0.6gc]
Money: 444gc (0%) - [1/1000gc]
Soldiers: 154gc (0%) - [1.5gc]

Buildings: 1,047gc to build, 640gc to raze
Away bonus: 64,415gc (12h) / 193,245gc (20h)

Science Intelligence on Red Mist (??:??)
[ Angel v1.92 Beta]

Server: World of Legends (Age 40)
Books to Allocate: 0 books

** Effects Summary (Known Science Only) **
0% Income
0% Building Effectiveness
0% Population Limits
0% Food Production
0% Gains in Combat
0% Thievery Effectiveness
0% Magic Effectiveness & Rune Production