and they are all junkies who kinda chose to sleep on the street. This was found out by the Salvation Army who went out every night for 4 weeks to count. In addition, there's some gypsees and immigrants, but on any night, the total number of homeless(people who slept outside) including those groups never surpassed 100.
More people live in shelters though, but the number isn't very high.

88! If you doubled that number, you would get the number for the whole of Norway because Oslo is the absolute number 1 in this, and by far the largest city.

In the US, 1 out of every 200 people use a shelter of some kind and will be forced to sleep on the street from time to time, or more often than that. A VERY high number.

So, why is Obama so bad? He wants to help these guys, the Republicans want to leave them to die in a ditch and only let themselves prosper. Don't we all deserve a chance?