dude everyone hated america since long back. one reason is the fact that they were successful and its just jealousy. Let me be clear every country has its ups and downs, I dont think norway was great forever not to mention the U.S.A too its a cycle. There will always be changes in superpowers and time and history is the answer.

- As far as the economy is concerned yes the current recession was long overdue for america. The reason? the country runs on Debts and what happens when no one is able to pay? they declare bankruptcy which is very very easy in the U.S.
- And what happens when entire folk are unable to pay rising debts ? thats the reason of the Subprime crisis in 2008.
- The reason why occupy wallstreet failed? its bcos thru generations there has been a culture developed of giving big bonusses and giving more attention to monetary benefits in work rather than giving a work life balance and Work Happiness.
- What happens when ppl at work are having money ? they spend and dont save, and the employee becomes inflexible towards work.

look at your fiscal deficit!! its 1 trillion!! no wonder u guys are in trouble. I dont think lot of ppl actually raise it as an issue in elections rather than focus on immigration which has actually helped you get the professionals u need to build the economy you already have. Now its gonna be fun the reverse brain drain is happening, Guys in the U.S are starting to look for Jobs outside the country and ppl who settled there who are professionals are returning back to there motherland. unless u guys start talking abt economy and sustainability environmental wise instead of pointing the gun to a weakling you guys will be the next soviet union.