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Thread: PoD Recruiting. Pls make sure u look at "Why PoD?" section

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    PoD Recruiting. Pls make sure u look at "Why PoD?" section

    Paragon of Duality is recruiting 2-3 active players.

    We're currently with 22 provinces. We rage about 7-8 wars an age.

    Minimal requirements:
    - Minimal 1.5 uniques during war
    - Out of war, once a day login and participation in forum discussions (war reviews, KD strat, pre-war plans, etc)
    - We usually set a few war requirements to make sure they work as a KD strategy (e.g. if a dwarf, 15% GS, minimal OPA target, etc) Apart from this, u have some flexibility in build strategies and on how u run ur province
    - u will be required to fill a fair share of dragon slaying/funding (calculated from race, personality and province NW)

    Why PoD?
    - we have a great alternative to conventional Utopiapimp
    - no IRC required (esp if u can't use IRC for security reasons or if u just simply hate it). But since the in-game chat still sucks, we use a browser-based 3rd party chatroom to join chain waves though. No installation/no registration.
    - we have a fair punishment system to ensure no one slacks to an unacceptable level while making sure everyone has some breathing space and an adequate margin of safety.
    - we seek war wins, but ur time with us will not be a chore. we find the fun in competitive warring experience and teamwork. u will enjoy the stay and get some war wins too, but u will not get like 6/7 war record.
    - we will not ask for ur phone number or primary email, but u can choose to join our optional notification system through a third party site (undisclosed here) (we will warn u when the war has commenced and if u're getting chained)

    If interested, please feel free to make an inquiry here or email me.
    Last edited by somnambulist; 04-11-2012 at 21:19.

  2. #2
    Member Lunex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Very interested in both your Elf / Mystic and Human Tac (A/T) preferred though..
    Gonna send you a mail in the morning with some more info c",)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thanks Lunex for your email inquiry. I've made a detailed reply there. Please check it and let me know if u have any question :)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    PoD is recruiting a few more players as a couple of old players have stopped Utopia due to RL.

    Our war record this age is 3/5 so far, and we're now looking for one last EoA war. Still short of our usual war target, and this was largely due to monarch changes during the age.

    We're yet to decide on Race/Pers combo for the new age, so I still cannot give information on that. We usually have 4-5 races, each with a strategic role to fill for the KD, and everyone sticks to his role throughout the age. If you can join us before EoA, you can be part of the discussions and decision as the KD policies are open to the opinions of every member of our KD. We are more of a democratic team.

    My friend Lunex above joined us over a month ago, and currently he's happy with the KD and will be staying with us for next age.

    As I said above, we are a warring KD which prioritize KD strategies and teamwork over individual provinces. You can find the rest of the information above.

    Please feel free to contact me at

    Thank you

  5. #5
    Member Lunex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I will for sure give a +1 for this recruitment tread.
    These guys a an awesome bunch of people, know how to play the game and do it convincing also, I am very happy I joined, and will be looking forward for next age so I can be here from start..
    The way we work in the kingdom is perfect for someone who wants to play the game serious, but without being forced to set your alarm and make attacks in odd hours.
    Come join us, I'm very sure you will enjoy your stay as I do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Been with PoD for a year, and I love how relaxed they are! Come check us out!!

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