All go congrats, new level of lameness reached! I think they're already at some ultra-elite range.

So, they agreed to give back the land.
They told me we have to organize it now (logs available).
We organized it (logs available).
Hellrazor told me what to send (undersend) after clearly trying to manipulate events to his good but I thought why not play along.

He told me that he had 1.2 mill def, I sent 1.261 mill off and surprise! I failed.
He retaliated, got his calle to raze me too and opped my heavily.

Are there even words for this ****play?

But wait, more is coming.

Anri is trying to defend tghem and actually blame ME.
Calle claims Anri can't give their acre back ans THEY never agreed. In this KD, apparently, there is no one responsible for any negative actions, ever :)

I'm just LOL'ing and LL'ing.


As promised (no farmout to Simians rule in CF), Nick_Mi got to hit me right after (at about 250k def or so).
Then I released my remainign def and disrtibuted my land to my KD, they deserve it.
