At first I thought this new science system was to decrease the advantage the higher tier (acre whores) players would have over lower tier players, but after playing with it for last few weeks, I doubt that had anything to do with the changes. In all honesty this is a very disappointing change and its sad to see changes being made that only put casual players at a further disadvantage. Abduct is terrible, revelation seems worthless, and being able to interchange scientist into whatever category you what without limit gives a huge advantage to the already talented kds (which I am in)....every age we have less and less people play, so I am very curious as to why this is a better system than the last? To the casual player this puts them at a further disadvantage because to compete it now requires to switch scientist before every move.

If anything this science system is more frustrating, more time consuming, and way less rewarding than seeing 5 million books at the end of the age and thinking you did a good job. Maybe i'm the only person who thinks that this was a poor move and power play for the acre whores to have transmutable science, but I am unable to come up with any reason why this would be good for the game VS the old system.