do any of you know your history?

last i check there was something called the kingdom of the Israel.

Palestine didnt exist by. soo chronologically and historically. Israel as a Nation is just reinstated and not Installed, since they do have claim to the land disputed. What the UN did was to appease the Palestinians and separated them and Israel. As for Israel they cant care less but retake what was supposedly theirs in the 1st place. Palestinians should be happy about the agreement instead of bombing Israel, which is like giving Israel a perfect reason to try to retake their lost lands. Its like the Russia vs Georgia where Georgia was stupid enough to give Russia a reason to steam roll them and then now Hama like Georgia is playing the "victim" where its their fault at the 1st place in provoking.

here is a nice question for all of you?
have you visited israel's southern cities? if no, go visit and you will be thousands of sharpnel and bomb/rocket parts lined up to remind them what they are up against in the south.

terror sparks terror. Even Hamas knows that. that is why its playing the "victim" so the UN will intervene.

I agree with israel where International Monitor will be installed that way hamas cant say sh*t and they cant launch rockets and play "victim"

for hamas not agree with that, just show hamas will not honor any agreement and try to severe ties.