Moderator's; this isn't intended as flame against Jolt/OMAC, this is purely a debate between the above names. If anyone goes for personal flaming, remove the indivudual posts, but don't delete the entire thread. Please accept any criticism you may get from the 'community', thats the responsibility that comes along with running a game with other people.

(Copied most of it from my old post)

Patience my friend learn it and all will be ok.
Patience? This has little to do with patience. Their lack of knowledge about coding this game is just bad. If you don't know how to (change the) code of a game like this, keep your hands off...

The code was apparantly outdated... but hey, it worked! Now we are sitting with an apparantly uptodate code but a server that isn't worked as it should. Good game.

Fact is, Mehul ran this game with over 100.000 players at some point yet it ran smoothly. The only times it didn't run smooth was when the protection ended - which was somewhat logical if you consider a large amount of those 100.000+ players is trying to make their OOP-hits. It was terribly slow and you had to refresh a page sometimes more than 10 times to make it load... but hey - it worked!

During protection the game was even paused for a few days. Once back up, it was still slow... 12 hours before protection ends the game is down yet again. Protection ends, I hear from some people the server was up for a short time but then it died again.
When refreshing the login page, you get a message "ETA on Fix xx minutes".

Quote Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
To be fair it took Mehul many years to get the game running pretty smoothly, Brian and Sean haven't had anywhere near as long, and given what Utopia was like when it first started (the beta's), it was a bad joke worse than this.
Not really. There was a few beta's going on before Age 1 started, but that was no where near "many years", and that was while doing it from scratch. Other than a few loopholes the game ran smooth. Can't really predict all loopholes.

They took over the game, meaning they have the source on how the game works. If you can't figure out how to deal with those sources then please just keep your hands off the game.

The EOA problems last age with updating is something that did not happen before. Last age was the first time chart updates where being done 45 minutes after the age had already past. Mehul froze the charts once the hour ticked; any attacks made on the 1st did not count any longer and had no influence.

I hope you guys manage to fix this permanently really quick, but I don't see it fixed in the next few days