At 1k acres, and say 60% homes (assuming all built), you're looking at...

Without ANY homes, you're at 25k, so that's a 19% Pop increase. The only way you're getting a 30% pop bonus is with ~100% homes, which isn't feasible at all. It's already been shown how hard a simple semi-chain will hurt you with 50% homes, let alone 60%.

Take into account the fact that homes provide no jobs, so your income sucks. Plus that you don't get an instant bonus from homes. You first have to fill the pop up, then draft the soldiers THEN train those solds (which you'll have trouble with given your gimped econ).

I'm not saying it CAN'T be done. I'm saying it's not worth it, and there's better options.

Also, relying on the idea that "you're safe" should never be done. No one is safe. If someone wants to break you, it's only a matter of time until you are broken.