Please note before reading -THIS IS NOT A WAR BUILD- one of the dramatic weaknesses of this build is getting your peasants dunked on; in order for this to work you must make sure nobody can fireball your ass.

A lot of the attacker builds I see revolve around getting in and around 75-80% draft rate (sometimes more)

These often lead to extremely low building effectiveness percentages.

I thought to tilt the scale in the opposite direction, where in you could run a low draft percentage of 50% but use the building effectiveness boost of being a dwarf, combined with science to abuse training grounds and forts to compensate for the loss of military numbers; the result is a somewhat hilarious build:

9% Farms
9% Guilds
4% Towers
1.5% Dungeons
16.5% Training Grounds
16.5% Forts
24% Homes
9.5% Watchtowers
10% Stables

Before you flip out at the missing buildings (like hospitals, rax and banks) listen to the numbers this build can pull, using only 150 nwpa I can achieve 57 OPA, and 58.5 DPA with army at home, (41.3 with army out). All with only 100bpa in tools.

Now I will explain why having some missing buildings is not that big a deal.

-Why no Guardstations?
When you have only 150 NWPA anyone your size or larger will have considerably reduced gains.
Additionally you can pick on people much smaller than you are with maximum gains at no risk of retaliation.

-Why no Barracks?
As a dwarf you have access to the quickfeet spell and if you choose the tactician it is like having 20% barracks as any other race.

-Why no Banks?
Because you are only at 53% Draft the entire time you have a much larger peasant population feeding you money. (nearly two and a half times the raw income of someone at 80% draft)

-Why no Hospitals?
Smaller Army = less losses. Less attacks without barracks and less incoming because you're networth is so low.

-Why would I want to do this over just 75-80% Draft?
Anonymity becomes the most overpowered spell in the game for you. When you have 150NWPA nobody will suspect that you are making hits on people your size and larger, you also get to smash people much smaller than you are who have no hope of retaliating. The build only gets increasingly strong with science as it lets you draft a higher and higher percentage of troops which is compounded by your high TG and Fort %.

-What's the catch?
200% Military wages, however compared to a person at 80% Draft you will still only be paying 25% more military wages if they are paying 100% wage rate and you have 250% of the raw gold income to compensate.

For anyone interested in the math:
24% Homes = Max pop of 26920 at 1000 acres.
at 53% Draft rate that's 12562 peasants filling a required 12730 jobs for max efficiency
(1000 acres - 240 homes = 12730 peasants for max efficiency)
the 14190 military units are now divided as follows:
1k thieves (with the 9% watchtowers at +32% effectiveness and clearsight you will be fine)
6k elites
7k+ Def specs

6k elites = 36k raw offense + 6k horses = 42k
TG's = 27.27% boost to offense
200% wage = 7.5% boost to offense
36.8% boost in offense = 57.46k offense

7.19k def specs = 28.76k raw defense 40.76k with elites home
36.8% boost is 39343 defense with army out and 55760 when elites are home.
Add in minor protection to make 41310 and 58548 respectively.

70 for the acre
12.73 for the peasants
6 elites at 5 nw is 30
5.7 horses at 0.6 is 3.42
7.19 def specs is 28.76
144.91 NW/acre
(excludes wizards, gold and science)