We had a great time together but things ends and this is the end of cute cats. I'll be leaving the game at eoa and the kd decided it was time to call it quits. We would like to thank the good part of the community; those who have played nice, happily shared our games in wararforums and provided fun challenges.

From me personally, a big thank you to all the cute kitties who played with me over the last years; you've all contributed to creating something pretty special in terms of atmosphere and kd identity. This is the starting vision me and uhum put up 3 years ago when we took over a shell and started to recruit - it's a fun read and shows why we included Ghetto in the kd name: http://pastebin.com/DYCBUkGP

In the first year(s) we showed it to everyone we recruited, but as we kept winning on that level it was too easy and we kept moving upwards despite never having that as intention, also increasing activity expectations and similar. The last few ages the fun started to go down and the cuddliness decreased as things like GB's and similar affected our way of playing and made us more active, more competitive and also put higher demands on leaders, which was never intended or could really work with the real life assignments we have.

We had a real good run, however, beating many kd's, losing to a few, and generally having a lot of fun throughout the ages.

Many huggles from SillCats - and thanks for all the shinies!