Looks like the race for honour crown (if anyone actually cares) for this age is going to be pretty interesting and tight. We have 4 kingdoms in contention

1 PyroManiaCs WAR Recruiting (A) Gaia 133,729
2 FREEAKSTYLE at WAR (B) Gardonia 132,865
3 Roughknecks Recruiting (C) Darth 126,216
4 Band of Brothers hostile (D) Astel 123,165

Pyro is currently warring RK
FS is currently warring Boozers
Bob just managed to get into a war with Kingdom ?? (how did they managed to get into a war this last minute??)

Pyro & RK war could swing either way and it's still a little tough to call it. (in terms of who comes out ahead in honour)
FS is currently farming off Boozers remaining honour (Boozers is a little dry in honour, dropped out of charts)
Bob just managed to get into a war with a kingdom that has 93k honour.

Interesting race to the end. Good luck to all!