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Thread: Protection period

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Protection period

    I always came out of protection with short on soldiers and gc with weak military.
    I saw some people who can aid others just oop, wondering how did they manage.
    What is recommended land, dpa, opa for oop in general? And how can I achieve?
    Hope it will help me and others like me.

    I've never seen a guide that mention about protection period strat.

  2. #2
    Postaholic raiman's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Illinois, usa
    you can recieve aid while in protection.
    Ask your kd8s.
    Especiallly in the middle of an age, mills and armories would be decent suggestion.
    - Lookin' for Trouble !?!?!

    - The greatest form of patriotism is dissent.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I want to know how good players build his land during protection at the start of age.

    As I said earlier, I came in weaker state so I want to know my mistakes.

  4. #4
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    30-40% banks
    20% arms
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

  5. #5
    Enthusiast ThZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    add these:
    10-15% guilds
    5 - 10% towers
    5 - 10% Wtowers (keeps T's out)
    10% farms

    no homes during protection, build them afterwards if you want them. you need jobs in the beginning, is more income.
    draft rate at 40 - 50% (aggressive draft rate with Patriotism)

    try to get 40 DPA OOP (Out Of Protection) depends on what race, what your final DPA goal is...

    if you are just new i suggest to take it easy with the exploring, 500 - 550 Acres OOP is enough, once you get the hang of it you can grow bigger before OOP.

  6. #6
    Post Demon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    40 dpa oop? and wt's? are those serious suggestions? when you're that small offense is your only protection, and you shouldn't be sitting on any resources for thieves to steal

  7. #7
    Forum Addict makeo's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    synchronicity wave.
    Just hit. There are loads of people who only log on 1/day or are inactive.
    Guilds.(+ some towers of course)

    Rest is situational. Whack 10% Mills in there and ask for aid if you are well down on acres.

    I like thieves. 1+ tpa can be very useful early. Get them in early and steal from people who don't. Offence first though.

    I like
    10% Farms
    30% Banks
    10-20% Arms---> Always put them in just in case, usually end up razing them, but they help if it goes a bit ****.
    20-30% Guilds.

    That offence+ thieves always gets you started.
    Whack some TG's, Rax and stables in there as you start to get up to size and you're away.

    40/50 opa straight away dissuades people.If you're small and have an army that can hit them, why would they want to go near you? You'll always gain more than them. If they're nub, prove it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by _greenie View Post
    30-40% banks
    20% arms
    I see. I usually open building calculator, insert strat and build.(usually 10-15% bank, 0-10% arms) Thats why I don't get enough gc.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThZ View Post
    try to get 40 DPA OOP (Out Of Protection) depends on what race,
    I got 28dpa. :(

    Quote Originally Posted by ThZ View Post
    5 - 10% Wtowers
    Wt? Are you really serious? Does getting enough tpa suffice? Btw, is Wt should add in strat of A/T who usually get high TPA, and does thievery science help in catching thief?

    @makeo, thats really interesting. I will definitely try next time.

  9. #9
    Forum Addict makeo's Avatar
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    synchronicity wave.

    You do need some defence though. ;)

    You will want 35-45 dpa army out when pumped, just saying the earlier it is and the the better kd you play in, the bigger stick you can hold/more pumping and early on....

    Think of it like a ratio.

    Lots of inactives with defence? Like it is now for a new starter.
    Have offence and hit with econ. buildings. You'll grow.

    The closer you get to people with decent offence and defence the more you want to protect yourself while still being able to hit hard.

    If you are big and have a good kd? Build offence and rape those beneath you without those advantages. They'll show you how, if you're not too sure.

    It's situational, but as all the mods are offensive, it's best to let the rest catch up IMO.

    I'm not even a good player, but those are the basics.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Southern IN
    Why bother with WTs? Thieves will both defend you from thievery and get you resources to use to pump up if you're not dwarf.

    Also, focus more on offense right away, have enough defense so that others your size won't have an easy snack on you, but have enough offense so that you can hit that next 10% in networth easily. That keeps larger provs from bottomfeeding off of you.
    Quote Originally Posted by freemehul View Post
    you're like some davidian branch.
    TipTripTrap, proud branch davidian since freemehul convinced me to convert.

    I apologize profusely in advance for any possible offense that could be caused by perceived sarcasm in this post. Sorry again, please enjoy your stay in this thread. Thank you for your patience.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    midage like now i wouldnt reccomend goming oop too much over 600 acers, unless you are in strong kd. so just explore some acers, build heavy banks and arms(and stables if u plan to use horses) and collect gc next 2 days. from incoming acers build TGs and stuff like that. 20h b4 oop cast IA and train all u can. train mostly off specs as that size there are alot of very weak provinces around to plunder/get some land from. defense is not that important because getting the lost land back is easy at small sizes. and dont forget a few thieves, u may wanna steal abit as well once oop. actually midage after oop i'd personally spend a day or 2 just plundering around to get some easy elites before i'd start growing, beucase there are so many inactives around at small sizes. and also midage start with more guilds than usual, u need your wpa to catch up so i'd run some 25% guilds for first week.

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