Quote Originally Posted by Oonda View Post
usa is a u-country. extreme poverty,massive amounts of money spent on army,every **** has a gun,massive corruption,a few rich ppl with all the money,drugs everywhere,dumb population that buys the goverment(maffia) controlled(privat owned) media. title should say usa suckers
You know I can't argue with that accept that not every F*** around here is packing. Though the way crime is on the rise maybe we should. (I know this coming from a DEM) The population as a whole is more spoiled and uninformed due to the rich douche bags and the media they control. Make no mistakes it is greed that is our real vise more so than any drug.

Capitalism is the greatest problem I have with my own country. But this a debt that has been going on for literally hundreds of years. At its core this debt is all about equality and nanny state vs. inequality and a slave class. Take your pick. :@

Now I'm done posting here as I see this thread as retardation incarnate posted by people who don't know what they are talking about.