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Thread: WAR ARTICLE: TheAncients make stand against Melee Weapons

  1. #31
    Moderator for:
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    You can only really find kds 'easily' if they're in the charts. When lower kds get covered, they'll be a bit more veiled.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    I just don't want people to think that we bully, because we don't. We play with respect and honor and this makes it sound like we don't. Next age we'll find each other and I'm sure it'll be more even, in the mean time g/l RoA, see ya at the ball.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom
    I'll write one up for our kingdom if you like GLW?

    Gerard Slayed every living thing that moved in their valiant effort to fend of the nemesis ghetto.

    Unfortunately, inactivity was rife and no less than 1 hour after war was declared, his very own kingdom ceased to participate for the majority.

    Gerard raised hell in the forums and was scolded by the queen

    Gerard cried.

    The end.
    Last edited by Sassy_Wolfie; 21-08-2018 at 02:54. Reason: updated nickname per request from user

  4. #34
    Veteran goodlilwitch's Avatar
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    I'm really glad to see the Utopia News taking off!

    Lol that was a lovely piece, my dear Gerard, just missing a few details :P

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dilligaf View Post
    I just don't want people to think that we bully, because we don't. We play with respect and honor and this makes it sound like we don't. Next age we'll find each other and I'm sure it'll be more even, in the mean time g/l RoA, see ya at the ball.
    Well, when you waved us, we were 400k-500k NW down, and you never had the intention of warring, you just did half a wave for sci. Not many KD's would fight back with such a disadvantage, plus just coming out of a war fat, so there is much doubt on you intending for war. And why would your king be happy with how it was worded if it wasn't true..?
    You initially waved us with learns, then after we asked for more time, you traded us to take more, so we hit with a few massacres as retalliation. We didn't wave back until 24 hours after your starting wave, and we declared 36 hours after your first hits.
    But it's over, it doesn't matter. So good luck RoA, see you on the battlegrounds next age.

    Good stuff Maddy, I look forward to some more stories to read, it will definitely bring about more lurkers wanting updates and a general "newspaper/media" feel.. It's a shame this won't bring back the player-base though.
    Last edited by Ramza; 29-06-2011 at 00:06.

  6. #36
    Newbie Lucis Ferre's Avatar
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    The Ancients
    in facebook too?? (brb going to "Like" it )

    btw, its good article.. people will start lot of articles from now on

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    this was a great article, I am very happy that this feature is coming to the forums.

  8. #38
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    the ancients are bullies and bottomfeeders themselves i dont see what they complain about so much. DAmni EDIT

    i might be confusing the ancients with the archangels.

    Ancients this is a long shot, but last age your first war, was it a kingdom that you utterly trashed and half kd defected?
    Last edited by gojete; 29-06-2011 at 02:35.
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramza View Post
    Well, when you waved us, we were 400k-500k NW down, and you never had the intention of warring, you just did half a wave for sci. Not many KD's would fight back with such a disadvantage, plus just coming out of a war fat, so there is much doubt on you intending for war. And why would your king be happy with how it was worded if it wasn't true..?
    You initially waved us with learns, then after we asked for more time, you traded us to take more, so we hit with a few massacres as retalliation. We didn't wave back until 24 hours after your starting wave, and we declared 36 hours after your first hits.

    We we started our wave we were 300k bigger and within 1k acres in land. I believe it was 8.4m nw vs 8.1m at the time of our first hit. I dont feel that is such a large difference.

    I had snatched news of 4 days + 20 hours prior to our first hit. I took that in advance because I dont want to vulture or double hostile. Maybe you left war on that 5th day, I dunno, but I figure 4 days worth of news is long enough for me to monitor. You guys were doing some random hits throughout that time period.

    I wasn't totally happy with everything in the article, but it was close enough.

    You guys did NOT ask for time. Twice I offered to give time but I my offers were rejected, instead I was told we would be hit whether we were fresh oow or in a double hostile.

    After we finished our initial wave of half books and half land, we were not planning to hit again. In fact when your retal wave came, we had a couple of armies out on random learns. By then our nw differences were growing, and your retal wave was all massacres while we hit back for land causing an even bigger gap in kd nw.


    @mrc now I understand what you meant when you referenced abs. Well, this kingdom does NOT Fake War, they're lame :P All our wars are either real wins or real losses.

    @gojete you really should make sure you know which kingdom you talk about when you spout off negative comments

    @mad_scottish thanks for the article. I didn't go into detail with all the above crap because I figured it was more info than you wanted.

  10. #40
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    @Lead Pipe

    I'm only stating as we saw it/were told. I highly doubt that offers would have been refused, MrC considers every option. But we always intended to fight back, when was the only case.


    Personally when trying to remember that far back, I don't recall trashing a KD or lots of players defecting. We mostly fought KDs that were challenges (no offense intended there, so I apologise if it sounds like it).
    Am I to assume that you're talking about the KD you were in from then?

  11. #41
    Post Fiend
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    Gojete, who are you anyway?

    Offering real money in-game to have other kds trash us, is wauw.... you must be a rich f00ker or you take this game very personally :P

    Tell you what, pay me money, then we will leave you alone *evil laugh*.......

    Just kidding.. dont be sad Gojete, we still luv you loads

  12. #42
    Veteran gojete's Avatar
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    No i was confusing you with the archangels.
    I think we warred last age first war of the age for you but our second , we was around 25 provinces but there was nothing like a chain going on, yes its hard to remember so far back. It was a fun war anyway half our kd defected, we made the monarch leave and rebuilt the kd from what we had.
    You did a lot of chains on us pretty organized ones,I was a little province that you razed about 50 times in war , destroyed my buildings over and over , i was plundering out of war to send you dragons and stuff.

    so after that tragic war , we went and did the same to others , after the beating you gave us only the hard skinned ppl stayed and we managed to recover from 2 losses into 5 wins in a row and 5 wins in a row this age so far too.

    Were still a little ghetto though but warrying you helped us a lot.

    I think it was the archangels i offered real money to get killed.

    Maybe when we are 25 provinces we will fight again sometime. if not next age then the next one ,provide we are still here

    Well i mean its not like im rich but fuk, if someone threatens my kd ill do whatever it takes to protect it, send money via bank transfers, target share , cheat like , deceive, whaterever it takes lol
    Last edited by gojete; 29-06-2011 at 10:49.
    - Get the best out of your gameplay, go 45% homes minimum .
    -Successfully tested over 13 war wins in a row and many that number of non war conflicts .
    7 out f 7 war wins age 50 guarantees.
    High homes = good

  13. #43
    Join Date
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    MrC-TheAncients (post #41) did not dispute anything Lead Pipe said in #39, so it seems we are very close to the truth now.

  14. #44
    News Correspondent Mad_Scottish's Avatar
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    @lucis ferre, only the reporters will be posting the articles, thats the point of us starting up the team we have. Come to us with war articles and we will aim to get it published. Anything else going on within the game that is worth covering, we will look to do so as well.

  15. #45
    Post Fiend
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    @Dattac, i chose not to keep commenting on that, and write to gojete instead. I respect this news effort made by some dedicated players in Utopia, so i will not turn this into a ****ting contest. Lead and me knows what happened, lets just leave it at that. The war is over and we've moved on. Im sure our two kingdoms will meet again

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