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Thread: UF NEWS: Interview with Godly

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    What a truly pathetic and worthless individual this must be to talk in such a fashion. Even the most egotistical ppl I've ever met in my life (and I"m twice his age) have more dignity than this trash. I would NEVER aspire to be "like him"... my character already surpasses him... I would never degrade myself and lower to this demeaning creatures standards.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjun65 View Post
    What a truly pathetic and worthless individual this must be to talk in such a fashion. Even the most egotistical ppl I've ever met in my life (and I"m twice his age) have more dignity than this trash. I would NEVER aspire to be "like him"... my character already surpasses him... I would never degrade myself and lower to this demeaning creatures standards.
    yet you talk like that... to late already stooped... Epic Fail....

  3. #63
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    Mad_Scottish: this interview is kinda sad, you have been performed a lot better in AR. you have also provoked him with some noob questions.

    Bishop: i can see you are banning people that type some words entirely like f__k and all. but you don't ban this guy that hides just 1 letter ( f*uck sh*t), being kinda same thing, and this user should be banned for over 6 months for his constant flaming and bad words he has used . The interview himself contains direct attacks to some persons, offensive and vulgar language that you can find directly on your throne that spreads them world wide.

    So lets clear things up with this random troll.
    We start with his name. if you want to be a nice person you would say that he mistype his nick from Dogly, on the other part after you see his posts, you realise that he can not be a sane person, he is trying to identify himself with an entity that he can not understand for sure but he saw what a big impact it does just the name, to be honest to use such a name is kinda outrageous for people that are religious its closely like using a name related to nazism. (most communities ban such names and ignore people with such character, there is a special place for such people. if he is joking all the time, even with his name, he started to be the person from his jokes ).

    He keep claims that he doesn't cheat, but however he created a bunch of provinces (pretty much sure that rules allow you to create only 1 province every 24h) so it took like 100 days?
    To be honest I never heard of this guy till 2-3 ages ago when he started some flames on forums against me and my kingdom, he claims to be a winner and all, he looks like a loser mostly. I pretty much doubt he won anything ever ( I would argument this part).

    Taking as example age 46: the guy is playing in the kingdom named ZZ, as usual at oop the feeding time, the game was uber slow and it also crashed for 2hours but he received aid till like 10-15% tax, some hours later he immediately got owned by Playboys killers, lucky that ZZ (known kd for cheating) aided him with a lot of aid ( no plunder has been made ) aid till ~90% tax ( this wouldn't have been possible without farms) but this guy doesn't cheat, he only use the people that cheat in his favour. this being the great skill this guy has for banking. get owned and high tb to explore out of range. Pbs didn't gave much attention to the noob and he managed to be a bank. ( again pointing that its nothing about his skill, 40% of utopia community can do this and be active to do it, he only managed to do anything because of his kingdom. this game is about a kingdom and not a player as he thinks).
    Later in the age he saw an opportunity to maybe farm our bank, But around that time a very lucky moment for ZZ that an inevitable alliance war was going to happen, and both kds has been invited to be on same side, ofcourse ZZ was from the first that were preparing the awar and they claimed that they wont join in the awar if my kd wont join their side also and also do a CF for a long time. ( obvious afraid to get owned ).
    So awar really happened and ZZ bank was the first one that hit for the highest gains rage cow. ( while we didnt care when and how we hit since we joined in the awar with a principle to pay back on ABS). Sadly not all the kds that started the awar had same principle. ZZ withdrawn from awar after first hit. ( they took what it was enough to secure nr1 prov position and maybe a shoot for nr1 kd ). Sonata the other kd exploded for a day being nr 1 kingdom during middle age and started to delete and defect themself. and all other kds ran away including Elit kd that is today a part of dreams with people from sonata where this guy plays now. No balls kingdoms only i can say. when there is a problem RUNNNNN.
    The remaining kd to fight the entire alliance war ended to be fratzia and pbs vs abs + hall + tf and friends. where fratzia has been frighted for over 1 week with rage in war and another 7 kds hitting in the war.
    During all this time this guy and his kd prepared to vulture us after all this crazy fight. So what happened. he was obvious 25% bigger than our bank since he had time to explore and gather gc and all. but this was not enough. the cow player from sonata, that syntico guy decided that we were not good enough to join their side in war he decided to abuse VM and hit our cow, we ofc owned him fast even with his cheating. so then fast enough ZZ and this person tried to take advantage of our bad shape and our good will when we joined with everyone in the supposed good awar of payback. It took like a week this conflict with ZZ where my kd farmed them badly ( i have to point we owned this guy ) where this guy being 25% bigger he was not able to hit our cow (thats how good he is ). when the min time was close this guy was refreshing badly the relation tab to escape from this horror and fail, then we decided to hit him ( even being smaller) to make the war last longer so we can farm more land from his kd.( because we had alot of armies incoming those 2 hours). we hitted and it took him over 40 minutes to retal our cow (that great he is ) ( oh yeah, they released all thieves from alot of provinces to aid him so we dont break ) he did an ambush and 1 hit and wd 3h later.( we took like 10x more land than his hits in those extra hours. ). ( Fratzia could have easy not have hit him and be safe. but fratzia is a kingdom and we play as a kingdom and not individuals as he thinks this game should be played.). The age was close to end so there was not enough time to rape him again. also Rage kd was forced into a NAP because ZZ ran from awar to make this nap and secure their bank.

    Thats how he "I beat the crap out of" me, he indeed ended with the biggest province on land in that age (rage won NW), thats not a win for him, his kingdom sacrificed and made alot of things so that province could get there.( 30% of utopian players could have achieved that with such tactics ). If all his statistics as nr 1 province have been like this one u can forget about it.

    Taking an example from people that try to bank in ghettos Clampy, Hellrazor are better than this guy, he will never achieve what this guys did in ghettos, he is mostly nobody and nothing without a kingdom to support his stupidity. So what 1vs1 is he talking about? i think he forgot to alt tab from his solitair game.

    As a result this guy has NEVER won vs my kingdom, not even with a tactical withdraw to say that he had a positive 1k land when he did it. Its mostly he got pwned so badly that he can not forget some people such as hesus or me.
    I feel ashamed now after writing all this that i spent my time to some random guy, its pretty bad that he can compare himself with leader of a kd that exists and pwn noobs like him for over 30 ages.

    Respect for all kingdoms and their leaders that are alive for over 6 ages and they are still competitive, this is what utopia is about, kingdoms and friends, not 1vs1 or mercenary kds that live for 2-3 ages just to win a chart. Fratzia is a living example on how utopia evolved during time and how a kingdom should be together at good and bad moments, the kingdom had almost all titles from the game except the triple crown, but people that played do not really remember the crowns but more the good wars we had during all this time with some great ingame enemies.(<3 to all people that have been playing and had the brotherhood experience )

    PS: Its expected to have enemies and friends in such a game, I can not blame this person for sharing his negative thoughts about me,( for sure i must have done something bad to him to trigger such feelings, and me losing for sure wouldn't have been the reason ) however this being in the throne of the game is kinda lame.
    Last edited by MaRCeL; 29-07-2011 at 17:06.

  4. #64
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    All of the articles are advertised on the throne page when they are put out, not just this one.

  5. #65
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    yeah i ment arrogant and admit my mistake

    well over the years i have played in so called ghettos and also in some top honor kds who offcourse war alot too...
    now its hard to get 16 war wins like we used to in old times.
    Getting 7/7 last age was ok just beaten by Wimpy The Kids who got 8/9.
    Monarch was killed 3 times and and yeah when ever u log in half land r even 2/3 gone for a Orc tank is pretty normal.
    Playing with 20% inactives in kd and doing yourself 2-3 attackers job cause of that is hard work. Staying up late nights just to hit once more to maximize gains is fun though...
    Never know what u get from another KD in this level.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killthemall View Post
    yet you talk like that... to late already stooped... Epic Fail....
    Not at all "fail"... This fool speaks with such a degraded fashion that even those who are normally considered "vile" are good in comparison. While u might be one of "his boys"... U share nothing. To try to debunk one who speaks truly only shows u for the blind follower of a fool that u are.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by kjun65 View Post
    Not at all "fail"... This fool speaks with such a degraded fashion that even those who are normally considered "vile" are good in comparison. While u might be one of "his boys"... U share nothing. To try to debunk one who speaks truly only shows u for the blind follower of a fool that u are.
    I follow no man... but you talk of how bad he degrades the rest of the world yet you degrade one... so who is worst the one that shows equallity to all or the one that singles one out... “It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change.”

  8. #68
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    I am new to the forum, so i just noticed this.......

    so when Godly says: " Ya I don't like Marcel or hesus. I think that they are filthy and dishonest human beings. "

    That is not counted as a personal attack Bishop? you gonna say it involves 2 person so it is not personal? Or it is hard to ban coz you r not sure if you should ban Godly, who the log belongs to, or Mad Scottish, the poster of the comment?

    You might say it dont sound like flaming, but imo this sounds more insulting than a flame.

    Clearly there is inconsistency right here.......

  9. #69
    Needs to get out more DHaran's Avatar
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    Sounds like you guys are bunch of babies to me. Lighten up.
    S E C R E T S

  10. #70
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    Godly > marcel imo.

  11. #71
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    I can't speak for Bishop, but I let a lot of flaming/trolling slide for the sake of the forums being an fun and entertaining place to come. If we were to enforce a penalty on every little thing and go back to being nazi mods, the boards will go back to being a dead zone.

    I enforce the rules when I feel it's necessary, not when someone's on a witch hunt to get people banned.

  12. #72
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    Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people seem bright until you hear them speak.

  13. #73
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaRCeL View Post
    .....lucky that ZZ (known kd for cheating).....
    lol ZZ a known cheating kingdom whom you allied with for 2-3 ages?

    He who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones.

    P.S w/e godly said about MaRCel and Hesus is between them and has f-all to do with ZZ. Now that CGG has left the game and ZZ has retired you find it fun to try and talk down on us - you da maan
    Last edited by fuzzy|; 29-07-2011 at 17:45.
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  14. #74
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    Unless they're trapped. Then if you've got a stone, you should totally throw it and get out.

  15. #75
    Forum Addict fuzzy|'s Avatar
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    it frustrates me when x allies start talking crap for f-all reason - ZZ has never bad mouthed Fratzia in public (nor in private) to my knowledge.
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