As a player I have invested a lot into my kingdom. I literally invested time, effort, and money to get my kingdom to 25 active players. Now, I'm all for catching cheaters, but your new dragnet causes all kinds of collateral damage.

My kingdom had/has a married couple on your now-defunct whitelist. I run an undead kingdom. How am I supposed to nightmare wave a target when two of my provinces can't hit common targets? They obviously both cannot play effectively within my kingdom now. They want to quit the game entirely if they cannot play together anymore.

Now, I am supposed to find two new players, and I guess pay the company you represent more of my hard-earned money for the pleasure of moving new people into the accounts. We just paid to fill these accounts, and now we need to do it again or go without?

This makes me feel alienated as a customer. Why should I pay to fix it this time when you could just as easily come out with a new feature in a few weeks that forces me to do it again? Why am I and my kingdom being punished when I don't think we have done anything wrong? All we did was have a whitelisted couple play with us!