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Thread: So, who's a Republican here?

  1. #16
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    I'm middle of the road and vote for who I think will be a better president.

    I voted for Obama last time since I thought he was a good leader (in that he picked a great team) but in the end when his vote mattered he was not decisive enough on timely matters (MAJOR MAJOR foreign policy issues, for example). Many of my friends who normally vote Republican went for Obama as well since McCain showed us all that he does NOT know how to assemble a team or make good decisions.

    If nominated, my vote is for Romney this year.

    Romney having led a company whose job is to cut fat and make the hard decisions will be successful at it if he gets the nod for the Republicans. Social issues don't change fast enough anyway without the justice dept, and Romney has shown to be relatively liberal anyways.

  2. #17
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    If Mitt Romney is liberal, then I'm santa. He's a Mormon Bishop, you don't get them more religiously fanatic. He believes single moms shouldn't keep babies.

    God, guns and gays are the key words of this nomination. Not economy, poverty and foreign policy, as any sensible candidate would focus on. Because yeah, US economy is fekked, there's tens of millions poor people plus "trailer trash", and foreign policy is extremely vital to a country which acts as a kind of world police
    ABS vs Rangers

  3. #18
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    Can anybody tell me what the Americans think about Ron Paul?

    In the past i got the idea he would be a great guy with his realistic look at the economy, but over here in Europe main stream media won't talk about him.
    So my opinion is based on small fragments on youtube containing discussions from the past regarding the economy.

  4. #19
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    It's hard to assess the current state of Ron Paul support, since he was recently elected as the "not-Romney" of the week. But up until then, he was largely ignored by the majority of the electorate, likely recieving more attention from left-wing sources, then right wing-sources, but with the actual policy implicatiosn of his ideology not making him particularly amenable to either. He's been the head of the libertarean "caucus"(one could say) for quite some time, which both involves a small but passionate following, and one that has historically had some fairly "unsavory" positions, likely due to the fact that they are as much the children of southern secetionist politics and social stances as they are supporters of the economic-centric world-view from which they claim to base all their positions.

    The last few election cylces, Paul's has had a very very devout following(likely around 3% of the total population, but maybe lower) that has let him both raise far more than someone with his support would normally raise(small figure of most candidates supports are passionate enough to donate, whereas almost all of his are) and to outperform expectations in caucus primaries that do not require party identification.

    All and all, the current manifestation of his beliefs(its possible 20 years ago they were much different, particularly concerning social issues) leave him with very strong support for various items that many people vote singularly over (say, gun control, drug decriminilization, or isiolationism) but that the combination of single-issue voter policies don't really mesh with most actual voters(for example, most people who have gun control as a top priority are also supporters of the military industrial complex, and most people who support decriminilization are also very supportive of wellfare programs he would wish to get rid of and the general privitization of government that he would prefer).

  5. #20
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    Look up Thomas Jefferson vs Alexander Hamilton and you'll find what Ron Paul stands for. Ron Paul = the early Jefferson.

    In short, Isolationism, no central bank and no central government except for defence of the country.

    Even shorter, lunatic. Though not a religious lunatic, so I guess that's better.

    Vote Stephen Colbert instead, he's the only candidate who's not insane.
    ABS vs Rangers

  6. #21
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I also criticise Iran and Saudia Arabia. I guess they would respond in a similar matter.

    USA is no longer a democracy as we know it. Big corps can dictate what they want, rich, white men win the elections based on who's more patriotic or not, etc.
    I would say we are no longer a Representative Republic, that is not true either we are but its going to the way side because of the socialistic idea's and laws being pumped into the system. Interesting how we see the same problem but different causes. Ever wonder why we do that?

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    USA veto'ed the fact that too much sugar makes you fat.... Just one example how big corps get what they want.
    I would say that is big Government trying to control our lives and it was stopped.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    In many ways, Ron Paul is a good guy, but he's stuck in 1776 on Jefferson's side.
    That is a problem? We are not so much different from that time period even if we have much better toys now! The Constitution was designed to regulate Government much like you want to regulate big cooperation's. Both can get too big and too powerful.

    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Further on, religion and politics should never go hand in hand.
    Without some sort of religion (matters not the type) politics gets out of hand.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  7. #22
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Vote Stephen Colbert instead, he's the only candidate who's not insane.
    That makes me laugh so hard! I could show you clips of him to prove otherwise. Still could Colbert do worse that Mr. Obama?
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  8. #23
    Post Fiend Rockie Cantais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfshound View Post
    Can anybody tell me what the Americans think about Ron Paul?

    In the past i got the idea he would be a great guy with his realistic look at the economy, but over here in Europe main stream media won't talk about him.
    So my opinion is based on small fragments on youtube containing discussions from the past regarding the economy.
    The American Media don't like talking about him either. 'chuckle'

    His son is now a US Senator and like his dad Rand Paul is a medical Doctor. The established GOP want nothing to do with him and the talk radio feels the same. Ron Paul is a maverick unlike that McCain fellow. Yea, I think Ron Paul is crazy and a nut job and I disagree with him on 30-40% of the issues but I would still vote for him. Look up the American Libertarian Party for that is Ron Paul and while the Tea Party have lots in common they are two different things.
    Before you can see the truth, you must be willing to accept it.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post
    I would say we are no longer a Representative Republic, that is not true either we are but its going to the way side because of the socialistic idea's and laws being pumped into the system. Interesting how we see the same problem but different causes. Ever wonder why we do that?

    Now we're talking. :)

    I'm not a socialist myself, I vote for a right wing semi conservative party in Norway. But in USA, even they would be considered socialist, if not communist.

    I believe in freedom for the individual, but if you give the individual too much freedom, some individuals will seek to dominate other individuals and in the end take power for themselves. History shows this is every society and it's lead to the downfall an endless amount of societies. When ppl are allowed to do pretty much what they want with little government control, Rome falls. This was what happened to Rome btw, some individuals got rich and started dominating others. This lead to corruption, dictatorships, civil war and in the end, the downfall of Rome.

    In a society, some people will succeed better than others and get rich. This is perfectly fine and how it should be. But what then when those rich people start to bend the rules to their own benefit and seek to dominate others for their own personal gain?
    Regulation is needed to avoid corruption and dictatorship. USA is already run through with LEGAL corruption(lobbyists) and certain powerful companies dictating state policies.

    So how is it that socialist Europe has so many blooming democracies like Norway?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post
    I would say that is big Government trying to control our lives and it was stopped.
    Okay.... But big government was chosen by you, and big company overruled your voice. Big company seeks only to increase their profits and don't care about you. Wouldn't you rather see millions of people avoid getting deceases like Diabetes or have decreased life quality because of obesity? Obesity is not a choice in large parts of the US because the most exposed groups don't know any better, they are plain ignorant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post

    That is a problem? We are not so much different from that time period even if we have much better toys now! The Constitution was designed to regulate Government much like you want to regulate big cooperation's. Both can get too big and too powerful.
    The difference is that you have a lot more rich people today seeking to dominate you and me, so you would only replace a democratically elected government who theoretically seeks to help you with big corps who only want to keep their profits up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockie Cantais View Post
    Without some sort of religion (matters not the type) politics gets out of hand.

    Oh? How so? Only USA, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other muslim countries combine religion and politics like you do. Sure we have religious parties in most western countries in the world, but they are still rather secular and usually not in power. Europe is secularising, Muslim countries and USA are going the opposite direction, towards the medieval ages.

    Nice post you had though, I like it.
    ABS vs Rangers

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    I'm not a socialist myself, I vote for a right wing semi conservative party in Norway. But in USA, even they would be considered socialist, if not communist.
    I think its the same with me.

    Over here our right wing politicians are probably more left wing then Obama/Democrats to.
    Especially funny when our left wingers start talking about how great Obama and in the past Clinton are/were.

  11. #26
    Post Demon lastunicorn's Avatar
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    I've meant plenty of Mormon Bishops in my life, none of them were fanatics. They all believe firmly in their religion. They all live normal lives. I've never heard one of them talk about arresting gays.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastunicorn View Post
    I've meant plenty of Mormon Bishops in my life, none of them were fanatics. They all believe firmly in their religion. They all live normal lives. I've never heard one of them talk about arresting gays.
    No offence to Mormons, but I'd say being a Mormon is being fanatically religious because of their beliefs and ways. I'd say the same about other sects than Mormons.
    ABS vs Rangers

  13. #28
    Post Demon lastunicorn's Avatar
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    Have you ever met one?

    In other regards, Ron Paul is crazy, but I almost do hope he wins an election. It would show the people supporting him just what happens when a man like him takes office.
    Last edited by lastunicorn; 14-01-2012 at 19:43.

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastunicorn View Post
    Have you ever met one?

    In other regards, Ron Paul is crazy, but I almost do hope he wins an election. It would show the people supporting him just what happens when a man like him takes office.
    No, I've not met one but I know what they believe in and it's pretty extreme. It's a sect and they are hardcore "Christians". Mormons are pretty hardcore, but I guess many young people might be less hardcore, as with many Christian sects. But Romney is a Bishop and doesn't approve of single moms, so he's pretty damn fanatic in my book.

    Ron Paul coming into power would be a disaster for the entire world, he's worse than all those other guys because his impact will be greater.

    Btw, you should watch the South park episode about the book of Mormoms + scientology church. Very funny.
    ABS vs Rangers

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoffi View Post
    Ron Paul coming into power would be a disaster for the entire world, he's worse than all those other guys because his impact will be greater.
    Why would that be a disaster to the world?

    He wants the US to get back to their own land and when reading internet and watching tv i very often get the idea thats exactly what most people in the rest of the world want them to do.
    It would disable most of things people blame them to do.

    The result might well be some gratitude to their actions in the past depending on what disaster you are referring to.

    Still, Obama claimed he'd shut down Gitmo, i think even within a year.
    Gitmo is still nowhere near shutting down.
    Just to show a president can't do whatever he claims during election.

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