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Thread: Simians Vs Sanc, HoH or Rage

  1. #46
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lykron View Post
    and who are those 8 to 10 kingdoms that are backing up simians ?
    There is not a single KD backing up Simians in this conflict for whatever it matters.
    You choose to beleive what you want. Have you seen any other notices being handed, have you seen anyone stealing absalom.

    I am fine with going 1 on 1 vs Rage if they initiate it by being the KD that first starts a dragon and break a CF term even.

    I also welcome Sanctuary to a 1 on 1 if they rather do it instead of Rage.

    What i know and realize thou is that the only one that will be strong enough to handle Simians in a few hours is HoH (HoA). They gonna be blocking so Sanc/rage picks up on round 2 or 3.

    Will HoH hit us if we hit Rage?

    Will they all claim they are randoming?

    Will Sanc hit us if we hit Rage?

    Will Rage hit us if we hit HoH?

    Will Rage dragon us if we hit HoH?

    Imo absalom is prob weak and scared enough to not let us hit who we want.
    All banks on absalom side seems weaksauce and Rage is very low on nwpa only a few hours before fight is meant to go down. HoH is the only KD that really is prepared. Since HoH is more then likely going to target Simians when CF is over.

    Both Sanc and Rage was rejected when they asked for a CF. So ofc they have to send HoH at us and powerplay now. I mean either Sanc or Rage can handle us on 1 on 1 now so they have to do something.

    Also they benefit from helping HoH. (Even if they claim HoH is not absalom)
    (HoH always get package deals when doing diplomacy with absalom).
    It is not uncommen that Dorje, Proteus or someone else speaks in behalf of HoH.

    They can do this, all they have to remember is that we will do the same thing to them.
    Starting dragons in CF for instant. Possibility is that we send dragons and hit into their hostile as well.

    Absalom makes the rules ofc. The ball is theirs. They just start this off in a terrible way.

    Rage is to scared to even war, so is Sanc. So they send lapdog HoH and help them out as much as possible prob.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  2. #47
    Post Fiend
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    How you can GB , yea well there are 8 - 10 kd that is allied so erly age abs can get bg easy as its 4-5 vs 8-10 , we can show you next age if it comes to that np
    it seems your kd mate whom u hold in high esteem is sure about your allies. i was just curious who are these 8 to 10 kds.

    also Anri considering top 5 history didn't u see this coming when u gave notice to all 3 kingdoms ?

  3. #48
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
    kd A notices kd B.
    So lets say someone from kd C steals gold from one of those kingdoms, then it is in no way intervening in hostile, cause no hostile actions are made with just notice, right?
    It is prob case to case sensitive. If a random ghetto steals we cant be sure if its powerplaying or not. But if we have:

    So we have three KDs in same alliance:

    kd A
    kd B
    kd C

    Then we have solo KD:

    kd D

    kd D notice kd A, B, C.

    No hostile action has been made.

    kd A, B starts dragon before notice time is over. (They break a term) This allows them to get a bigger advantage. One could even claim that they are all ready doubling up on kd D since both kd A and B started dragons on kd D. (Powerplay just made an impact on kd D). Wich also allows kd C to not worry about even starting a dragon yet.


    kd A, B send dragon to kd D when kd D goes to hostile with kd C it would be pure powerplaying. If they steal gc or attack it into kd D it would be pure vulturing and powerplaying.
    kd A, B, C is well aware of each others plans while kd D does not know what they are planning for real.

    If: kd D wave kd A they have good reasons for it. kd A seem to be claiming kd D as a target by breaking a CF term and starting dragon early.
    Thus no other kd should target kd D because there will action.

    If: KD A, B, C was not pussies they would get online and see what kd D choose to target and let them fight 1 on 1.

    If: kd B gets waved by kd D they should let kd B and kd D fight 1 on 1.
    Same goes if kd D targets A or C. This is honorable play.

    What kd A, B, C has done is to assure that no matter what happens is that kd C will wave kd D and kd A, B will dragon/steal and possible "random hit" kd D.
    They send kd C to block cause kd A or B is in no way prepared to fight Simians on 1 on 1.
    This makes them worthy crown winners?

    The chances that kd A and B leaves kd D alone while fighting kd C is very low. Because kd D is overpowered til after they have fought kd C and kd C have weakened them enough to come and try to vulture.

    I feel it is rather said that kd A, B and C is in huge caliber and very strong KDs and they cant deal with one simple conflict on thier own.

    All of this is in my book very unsportworthy and absalom is doing pure powerplaying.
    Even if they only started dragons cause the intentions are rather clear.

    That they can be so scared of one single KD is more then lolworthy.

    Proteus and Dorje might want to win this age looking like clowns doing it. Rage is even to pussie to fight us 1 on 1 when notice is up.
    Yes, Rage is really crown worthy. I would think they at least had a backbone and dared to war us OR leave us to war someone else ALONE so we can come fight them later. But it seems no one from absalom side is honorable.

    It is just fancy talk and when it suits them and when they really have to get dirty they will do so and try to cover it up as good as they can.

    It seems no one of these crown contenders is even willing to say hey we can war you.
    Except for HoH. Thats okey, we can do HoH. But let it then be known that Rage and Sanc was to pussy to war us straight up when notices had been dealt. They instead have to hide behind HoH to be able to win and then come at us for round 2 or 3.

    This is all cool. We can do HoH first and then come for you later. I just find it funny that you have to powerplay and do everything in your power to stay and pump so you can know for sure that Simians will not come out as winners and get you later. Keep growing Rage and Sanc.

    I will rape you so hard one day when you dare to even war us on fair terms. You had such a long time to pump while we had to fight to catch up. You are the worst kind of KDs in my book.

    Rage crown would mean nothing if they cant face Simians 1 on 1.
    None of them deserves crown if they cant do that without hiding out behind HoHs orcs.

    If Simians lose to HoH i will by intention drop the KD to HoH just so i can come out razing Rage and Sanc and make sure HoH wins. Cause they are the only fighters here. How sad is that.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  4. #49
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lykron View Post

    it seems your kd mate whom u hold in high esteem is sure about your allies. i was just curious who are these 8 to 10 kds.

    also Anri considering top 5 history didn't u see this coming when u gave notice to all 3 kingdoms ?
    I am pretty sure we can smack absalom around to wherever we want them if we choose that way next age.
    However that is not our goal yet. But it can be if they are dirty.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  5. #50
    Veteran Angelus's Avatar
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    This is total retardation.

    This video sums up this entire thread.
    Last edited by Angelus; 22-07-2012 at 12:08.
    uTools for Firefox | uTools for Chrome
    [Angels - Mercy - Evolution - Rage ]

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    We will see how far some will go to get a crown.

    I dont expect anything else but dirty play from absalom. It has started all ready before CF is removed. We been aware of this "bug" for many ages. We dont use it cause we honor our deals and we also honor that one KD does not send a dragon into another ones hostile relation. I take it as Rage broke a CF term. If that dragon arrives to Simians without having Rage hit us 1 on 1 then they can kiss their age goodbye. I make sure of that Proteus. I rather give HoH our land while Razing you til age ends. If you think you were somehow smart now you were not. I will give your lapdog the win of the age and let you taste what its really like to lose a crown. HoH is not even absalom you say and imo they do deserve it way better then someone that tries to claim a crown with dirty tactics and powerplay abuse.
    Maybe HoH should honor their name. HaLL should be doing 2 vs 2 now. Simians vs Rage, HoH vs Sanc. Like good old days. Some old HaLL people prob still rolling around in their graves wondering wtf Ravenant is doing. Hell, he is a disgrace to the name. Change to HoA all ready so people dont misstake you guys for HaLL. Despite of that i will Raze Rage and let HoA win this age. Just because Proteus is overall going way overboard here with his bounderys. Infact i will make sure that he does not crown any upcoming ages either. Karma

    What a retard move Proteus, really bad..

    Are you kidding me here or what. Way to freak out. You noticed 3 kingdoms, made them each spend 1bil+ gc when you can only fight one and now are complaining becaus of a dragon project and threatening gangbang over it? Get a hold of yourself, what you are doing is far lamer than what anyone else is. Starting dragons is a game mechanic that everyone else has access to. We receive dragon projects before notice is up from anti abs all the time. There was no notice deal that says you can't start dragons. I don't understand why this matters to you so much? I think those 2 kingdoms that you cost billions have a lot more to complain about. You are crying wolf and making threats before anyone has even done anything to you.

    Also you are saying you want to raze Rage and Sanc because they can't war you? How does that make any sense. If you notice 3 kingdoms on your own accord only one of them can war you. So the other two kingdoms are basically screwed and can get razed just because they aren't able to war because you are already at war? Doesn't make much sense.

    You are complaining because you do not get to pick your target? There is an easy way around that, notice 1 kingdom and you got to pick your target, voila. When you notice all 3 obviously there is a chance you don't pick your own target but that was a choice you made. You keep on complaining about this so called 3v1 that is not even happening but you noticed 3 kingdoms. Stop making things up. I guess it's convenient when you notice 3 kds and make them all spend 1bil gc while you can only war 1 of them and you even get to call of them pussies/cowards because it's not possible for 2 of them to war you because there is only 1 Simians. Those are some weird standards.

    Seems the root cause of is you are unhappy you don't get to do what you want. You'd prefer to notice everyone, make those kingdoms spend their gold, then get to pick your own target out of those 3, and leaving the other two kingdoms hanging and waiting while you are at war. Seems really lame. Guess what? Other people like to do what they want too, this game does not revolve around Simians or anyone else.
    Last edited by Proteus; 22-07-2012 at 12:59. Reason: Grammar police

  7. #52
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    lol what a dumb move, let me guess someone from BIO or Inso advised u on this? When i heard this 1-2 days ago i lol'ed.

    It took me 2 secs to come up with a solution.
    -KD A hostile simians
    -KD B & C can do whatever the **** they want.
    -if Simians hit kd B or C while hostile with "A" they're opening themselves up for a gb. Even if it's 2v1 it would take a huge amount of skill to pull this off let and simians, simians, roflmao.

    U deserve to crown? You don't deserve anything, you earn it. From what I've seen, even in the current era you've done sh!t to earn anything except contempt and ill repute.

  8. #53
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    Stop making yourself out to be a martyr. It's really old.

  9. #54
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tak3shi View Post
    lol what a dumb move, let me guess someone from BIO or Inso advised u on this? When i heard this 1-2 days ago i lol'ed.

    It took me 2 secs to come up with a solution.
    -KD A hostile simians
    -KD B & C can do whatever the **** they want.
    -if Simians hit kd B or C while hostile with "A" they're opening themselves up for a gb. Even if it's 2v1 it would take a huge amount of skill to pull this off let and simians, simians, roflmao.

    U deserve to crown? You don't deserve anything, you earn it. From what I've seen, even in the current era you've done sh!t to earn anything except contempt and ill repute.
    Takeshi we beat your sry ghetto x2 last age. So i know at least one KD that does not deserve to crown.




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  10. #55
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdorje View Post
    Stop making yourself out to be a martyr. It's really old.
    You just dictate new rules as they seem fitting. Funding multiply dragons on my KD before CF is over is lame and powerplay.

    I have asked Rage for war. It gets rejected. Intentions are to foul play us (powerplay). There is no point in dealing a notice to 1 KD only.
    When you guys could still have dealt Simians notice and interfered how much you like when you like.

    The only option to slow you down was to get you all in training. But then i see some trains up more then others. You always had HoH gunning for Simians in beleif you could grow. This is why i asked Rage for war. I can ask you for war also Dorje.

    You all seem to reject cause you are scared.. No one can agree on a one on one. Very lame!




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  11. #56
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    "Powerplay" is not foul play. "Powerplay" is what happens when one side has more kingdoms than the other side. You end up having one kingdom block while the others grow out of range. This tactic mostly works because it's almost impossible to gain in any fight, hence blocking is an incredibly good strategy. But it's not "foul play", it's what happens every time anyone fights.

    Nothing Absalom does will be lamer than a three-way-notice, so rest easy. By giving the triple-notice you make it our choice who fights you, so rest easy again. None of the three is scared, but obviously we want to make sure we get the best possible matchup.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdorje View Post
    It is very unlikely it will happen, because simians has an inferior setup to all three of those kingdoms and has put themselves in position where they don't get to pick who or when they fight. Stop making yourself out to be a martyr, anri; you chose to be in a 3v1 situation when you noticed everyone at once.
    Hey, let's insult the kd we're about to face and publicly claim we're going to GB them 3v1. gg
    Quote Originally Posted by Godly View Post
    Wait... what? Is the official Absalom position that giving out multiple notices at one time invites all kingdoms to attack that kingdom? I would just like to reference Rage last round before we go any further with this discussion.
    It would appear so.
    Quote Originally Posted by jdorje View Post
    Obviously not.
    or not... but then...
    Quote Originally Posted by calle View Post
    February 12 of YR10 Rage (x:xx) has begun a Ruby Dragon project against us!
    February 12 of YR10 Sanctuary (x:xx) has begun a Ruby Dragon project against us!
    We'll just have to see, huh? Let's see who sends what and initiates. If Simians waves Heroes of Abs (I wont call them HaLL), and sanc or rage sends their dragon, then we have our answer, no? Similarly, if Sanc sends their dragon the hour before CF expires and rage or HoA waves simians, we have our answer.

    Let's watch and find out.

  13. #58
    007 licence to post Anri's Avatar
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    How come Rage cant agree to war us then. I keep asking Proteus if we hit Rage will they take us one on one or will still HoH or Sanc hit us.
    He just refuse. That is rather lame is it not. I mean if we hit Rage then one of the other KDs gonna hit us to protect Rage? They cant fight thier own battles.
    This sounds more and more as absalom really is weaker then ever. 3 kds cant take Simians on a one on one conflict. wow




    K L A
    Kaer Loche Alliance

    Real life of Anri - Utopia addict

  14. #59
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    This had been a lot more interesting if Simians had their buddies BiO, Inso and OS ready to fight on their side as well.

    Now it looks like Simians just trapped them self :(

  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anri View Post
    Takeshi we beat your sry ghetto x2 last age. So i know at least one KD that does not deserve to crown.
    u beat any kd i'm in? don't kid yourself bro you can't even beat kd's like dreamworks and got thrashed twice in an age despite being much larger and double hostile-ing them. We know on this server there's 1 rule for Anri and another for the rest of us. Cry me a river, any aabs kd on their worst age would be far more deserving than Simians lead by you. I deserve this, I deserve that, what is this a preschool spoiled brat's demand list?

    As my pop's would say you're a grown man earn your own sh!t.

    Stop opening threads to spread your propaganda, no one buys your sh!t.
    Last edited by tak3shi; 22-07-2012 at 13:49.

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