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  1. #1
    Post Fiend BruceLee's Avatar
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    its something we do with everyone to mutually exchange tips and feedback so both kds can improve, seems ur still offended. SORRRRRRY we didnt know you guys were some Egyptian pharaohs back in the day lol

    we play the game for fun and don't feel the need to be recognized as a top kd so we change names every age. Good to see you guys back in full strength but we only answer to strippers and sexy ladies so you gonna have to leave a voicemail for now =)

  2. #2
    News Correspondent protector's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BruceLee View Post
    we play the game for fun and don't feel the need to be recognized as a top kd so we change names every age.
    I bet ghetto bashing is very fun isn't it?

  3. #3
    Enthusiast SillyRabbit's Avatar
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    Let me show you (in chronological order) the events of the past few days:

    A) May 19 to June 7th ED made 15 plunders into our eowcf. We recall stealing from them last age, so none of us complain (and you can check my previous post where I said none of us were complaining).

    B) June 20 of YR5 Happy Birthday Dragons (x:xx) has begun a Ruby Dragon project against us!
    June 20 of YR5 Happy Birthday Dragons (x:xx) has cancelled their dragon project targetted at us.
    June 20 of YR5 Happy Birthday Dragons (x:xx) has begun a Sapphire Dragon project against us!

    C) I send this message to their king:
    I am sure you have figured out who we were last age, I am surprised it took you this long. If you recall, last age you offered us a war and we obliged. If you guys will offer us a fair war this age, we will entertain a rematch with you. However, if you think you will strong arm us into a war before we are ready you are dead wrong.
    How satisfying would it really be to take us to war and beat us because we never got a chance to be ready? Yesterday I asked you for 96 hours, and your response only indicates that you will not give us that time. The players here are mostly on board with giving you guys the rematch you want, but if you do no give us the time we ask for we will not declare war. If you guys continue with these tactics you would be no better than the 'ghetto-bashing kd' you've called us in the game forums.
    Yes, we realize you guys have a grudge against us. Do you want to settle the grudge by feeding on us before we are ready? Or do you want us to give you a fair and challenging fight that you can be boast about if you win?
    Cacncel dragon, and back off until we are ready.
    (btw I saw this message was read on this hour)

    D) June 21 of YR5 We have ordered an early end to the post-war period with LIAR (x:x).

    E) June 21st they switch aggressive stance and wave begins

    F) We tag NO WAR and
    June 22 of YR5 We have proposed a ceasefire offer to Evil Dragons Hostile (x:xx).

    We are not calling on the server for sympathy, just providing an update on our situation in ED's self titled thread. Like my message to him said, we intended to war but not for a few days. Why does everyone assume this is because we wanted to keep pumping and not because we wanted Easter off to be with family? In any case, ED chose to disregard my message and waved us out the gate. It has been a while since we've had a kingdom rack up the hostile meter on us like this, I guess ED is just one of the kds who play by their own rules.

    The sad part is that we could have just settled this in a war had they given us a few days. Disregarding our message and using some excuse of premature gold stealing (which their plunders was enough retal for), and a flame war that they are equally at fault for means they have some other plans in mind and don't intend to war us on equal footing. At this point I couldn't see us ever warring ED, not because it would take a while to get ready, but out of principle. We are fine with an eye for an eye, but you have taken it way further.

  4. #4
    Forum Fanatic
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    Silly rabbit, dragons don't care about your story of woe.

    You knew we were looking for you this age. You knew where we were long before we knew where you were. You had a very, very, very long time to prepare for us.

    You send us a message asking for a 96h CF to prepare for war. The idea that a kingdom needs 96 additional hours beyond EOWCF to prepare for war is ridiculous. You say it was for Easter? If you declared yesterday, the war would have been over before Easter. It wasn't for Easter. Beyond that; we're a ghetto and you say:
    [ED]'s strategy still just as poor. What excuses will they drop next time we beat them? Stay tuned
    If our strategy is poor, why are you so afraid to fight us? Why should we (per your message) drop funding in our dragon? Last age after you stole from us after we messaged randomly offering war, it's not like you offered to give us back anything to make up for it. Seems it's your excuses for why you won't even war us when we were in worse shape comparatively when we warred you last age.

    Why do we care if you're going to war us? We don't. We'll happily sit here and razekill your provs until we get bored or you disband. "ED is just one of those kds who play by their own rules" You pick a grudge with us, we'll happily bury you. We detest land-dropping and we're okay with going after people who do it. You can think of our razes as being exactly what you've been asking for all age. Do you expect us to be nice? Sorry, if you wanted that you started off trying to get there wrong. Here are some quick directions if you want to get there: declare war, we'll have a nice war and be done with it.

    We'd beat you on even footing, but that's not a reason for us to sit around with our thumbs up our asses doing nothing so you can pump for four days. It's not like you wanted to war us on equal footing last age, as evidenced by your ****ing with us in EOWCF and being dicks about that situation. You want 5 hours to pump? We could give you 5 hours.

    Your kingdom is clearly desperate, it's very funny. Between all the people who haven't posted on the forums in years / registering new accounts to post and Georgette on IRC offering to give us free razekills if we leave you alone.

    You're just making it worse for yourself.

    Oh, and Mr. anti-fun? We've razekilled one other province in one other kingdom for lying to us and land-dropping. The use of multiples is unnecessary at this point. We play our way, and we aren't afraid of enforcing our ethical code on others.

    Here are my three reasonable counteroffers:
    1) 5 hour CF followed by war. This must be accepted in the next 73 minutes.
    2) We razekill 5 of your provinces, then all 24 members of your kingdom post here publicly acknowledging that we are the better kingdom and apologizing for their rude and hurtful words.
    3) Your kingdom disbands.

    p.s. Strippers really shouldn't cry -- it makes them much less attractive.

    p.p.s. Yes Bishop, I think we both missed the memo that it is not allowed to hit another kingdom if they do not want to war you presently.
    Last edited by Zauper; 29-03-2013 at 19:57.

  5. #5
    Strategy Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zauper View Post
    Here are my three reasonable counteroffers:
    1) 5 hour CF followed by war. This must be accepted in the next 73 minutes.
    2) We razekill 5 of your provinces, then all 24 members of your kingdom post here publicly acknowledging that we are the better kingdom and apologizing for their rude and hurtful words.
    3) Your kingdom disbands.
    They'll take the razekills and cry...its not hard to predict based on watching that kd over the past few ages...gogo Zauper

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