Quote Originally Posted by peppie View Post
palem, interference with words and interference with deeds are miles apart. A raze that kills one of my guys is different from a snarky message. Why do you equate the two?

Squee, yes there are other kingdoms, as there are other sportsteams. If Barcelona plays Real Madrid, is it fine if an Arsenal player runs onto the field and kicks Barcelona's goalie in the 'nads? I hate soccer so much yet i find myself in need of a metaphor :(

let me use two other group pvp games im familiar with:

- in War Metal: Tyrant, theres faction wars (up to 50 v 50 players) where, once two groups are locked in a war, it is impossible for anyone to interfere with the battle. Factions can of course shuffle players and get "mercs" (temporary teammembers), but essentially some solo player or some other faction is unable to interfere with the war. Nobody but the participants can influence the outcome of the battle
- In League of Legends, five players fight five other players. No sixth player or other team can influence anything. Spectators of the match have a timelag so that they cant provide information that would give one side an advantage

i dont understand why this is such an alien concept. Just because youre used to a weird system doesnt mean its sensible.

you cannot compare a war game to a soccer match or basketball game. Its a war game diplomacy is a part of it. diplomacy does not exist in those. So please stop thinking its a 1v1 fight. It can be that way if both kingdoms handle their diplomacy. You have this everyone should leave us alone loo kat the game when it comes down to it the game is not designed that way.

Sorry peppie the game has never worked in such a manner and should not work in such a manner you want to create a sports team and play 1v1 go play FIFA online.