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Thread: Hitting into Another war

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    There's always two sides on each story. From my experience, if you got two kingdoms hit into your war at the same time, you did something wrong diplo-wise. Pissing off two kingdoms right before a war is generally not a smart thing to do. Playing in the kingdom of one of the kingdoms involved in this, I can say the opening post is very one-sided ;)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I want to start by saying there are always two sides to every story. I know since I'm in one of the mentioned kingdoms in the opening post.

    You complain that people don't want to war you when you full wave them and don't accept a day and a half to convert. (we could've converted even faster.) I think that speaks for itself. A cowardly tactic to brute force for war on your terms. It takes two to tango.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Winuz View Post
    I want to start by saying there are always two sides to every story. I know since I'm in one of the mentioned kingdoms in the opening post.

    You complain that people don't want to war you when you full wave them and don't accept a day and a half to convert. (we could've converted even faster.) I think that speaks for itself. A cowardly tactic to brute force for war on your terms. It takes two to tango.
    I'm sorry, in my book you're going to need a better explanation than that. Hitting into a war is a serious offence.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I'm gonna read all the posts carefully before making a proper response, but I think I can start with saying what comes around goes around. If 2 kingdoms who had no connection to eachother prior to this both decide to raze into the same kingdom at the same time without them talking it over before, you should probably think about your playstyle and what could make people end their own age just to get even with you.

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
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    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  5. #20
    Veteran faegan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    CF are always empty tbh unless people are honorable with it which 99% of the time they are, these guys clearly are not. Yet another mechanic that is a bit screwed.
    #1 always make a notice/no-hostile/no-war deal when you CF a kingdom

    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    The game should allow people to fight a war between two kingdoms fairly or it is not a war, if i want that ill play clash of clans or some other ****. Otherwise what is the point may aswell have team wars or something.
    #2 See my previous reply: whatever made you assume that wars are 1 on 1 and fair? And yes, team wars exist. They are called Alliance Wars, although there haven't been many of those the last 30 ages...

    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    They have basically ruined a good age for all of us now as we will all clearly just mess up eachothers wars for the rest of the age so what have they achieved. (well obviously they dont actually have many wars as they are pussies so yet again we are at disadvantage lol)
    Ruined what? Why let them bother you? Smash them or offer them something they want... All kingdoms in Utopia have a price.

    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    I have many friends in this game in a several kingdoms i dont get them to step in everytime a bigger kingdom learn waves me let alone a SMALLER lower province kingdom ?? Its just pathetic, if you cant see that this is all wrong and bad for the game then i give up :(
    Perhaps you should come to #tactics channel on IRC. I bet there are some people there willing to teach you how to avoid situations you are in now.

    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    They dont have the bottle or ability to fight us in a fair fight so we have no choice, we accepted a CF we did not continue the hits from what i can see they are bitter that they ran away from a war with a smaller kingdom that was baiting them.
    Blank in-game CFs with no conditions are dumb. Setup terms via in-game message; get it in writing.

    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    And for the one with the dragon i cancelled well that is just bad to message me good luck in future wars and have fun to then go and do this is pathetic, especially again as they did not have the bottle to press the button on a smaller kingdom for 3 days.
    Stalling....I hate it when that happens. When I was in PyroManiaCs the first three days were just cow hits...until someone saw a gap in the other's defenses... imagine that. Also, flogger once stalled war for about a week, just to make us waste resources and ruin our economy. Again, you shouldn't just have left them, you should have had a CF deal in writing, stating that they wouldn't attack you until Year X, with Y hours of notice period which can only be served when you are not in war, eowcf or hostile.

    Just my two cents on your post...
    Cuddly Panda Troll

    PyroManiaCs Official Troll from April 13th 2014 to January 2015

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Playing in kingdom 2, this is what I understand went down between our kingdoms prior to the war.

    Both kingdoms were looking for war and close in networth range. After mailing back and forth about starting a war and after you took intel, you messaged our queen that our t/m's looked too strong and you wished to find a different war instead. This was fine with us. It's not the first time a kingdom backed out of a war and it won't be the last time. We just want fun wars, enjoyable for both kingdoms. Not the onesided wars as you now claim, we enjoy a challenge and usually end our ages with a few warlosses. We actually expected one of those losses vs your kingdom, you're provinces were far more pumped than ours. But the backing it was fine, we enjoy a good challenge and I'd rather fight a good war and lose than it being a one sided war. But the point is, you mailed you didnt want to war us. So we spent our dragon money on getting schools instead of doing minor tweaks to a warbuild, players went off to bed and our queen started on a growth plan to get into range of other kingdoms to challenge.

    Twenty minutes later, when you knew we could no longer give you a good challenge, you guys all out waved us and the messages of we dont want to war you turned into, war us now cause we'll never back off until you war.

    Backing out of an equal war, lying, powerplaying and bullying, all in the same tick. That has to be some kind of utopian record. We've been dealbroken or bullied before, but never has a kingdom gone this low against us and at this point, we decided, as a kingdom, we will no longer tolerate the lying, dealbreaking and bullying anymore. And we were honest about it too, our queen straight up mailed you your next fight would be 2vs1. When we decided this, we expected you'd want to get even with us, try to get other kingdoms on your side and try to destroy us. We expect it and we are willing to sacrifice our entire age to send a message that this kind of behavior is destroying the game that we love and it has to stop.

    After it was clear we wouldnt give you a free warwin for your shady playstyle and you moved on to try to bully the next kingdom into a sure win for you, we started to accumulate acres and networth in preparation of getting even with you. When you hit the war, we started razing.

    From what I understand about the other kingdom you've used similar tactics and sent similar messages to them, you wouldnt stop until they warred. This kingdom however reached out to friends who'd hit into the hostile to try to get you to back off, but not everyone in that kingdom knew how the hostile meter worked and they ended up giving you the button from a far inferior position. We had no ties with either of these kingdoms before this started and we were going to raze into your war regardless of who'd you end up warring.

    That said, I do agree on the mechanics for initiating a war are not perfect. Also like to add, something positive definately came out of this; I just made a whole bunch of new utopian friends.
    Last edited by Uhm hoi; 10-11-2015 at 18:51. Reason: I can't english

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
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    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  7. #22
    Veteran faegan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uhm hoi View Post
    Long stuff...

    That said, I do agree on the mechanics for initiating a war are not perfect. Also like to add, something positive definately came out of this; I just made a whole bunch of new utopian friends.
    What is not perfect about the mechanics then? And what are those strange things called "friends" people keep yappin' about?
    Cuddly Panda Troll

    PyroManiaCs Official Troll from April 13th 2014 to January 2015

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by faegan View Post
    What is not perfect about the mechanics then? And what are those strange things called "friends" people keep yappin' about?
    On the mechanics, I think it's too easy to get an edge on other kingdoms by lying and dealbreaking. I don't have a solution for it though.

    And a friend is another living thing that you just decide to like and talk to and stuff. And add on facebook, cause facebook will tell you you're friends with eachother.

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
    Made utopian faeries fly.
    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I will Post the full messages so we can all judge, I am out tonight so will do it when I get back or in morning

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dark viking View Post
    I will Post the full messages so we can all judge, I am out tonight so will do it when I get back or in morning
    Need time to tinker with the messages?

    Now playing a well prepared bacon rogue. Seasoned the little piggie with peper, thyme and rosemary. Put in the oven with potatoes under it so those get baked in the seasoned fat dripping down. Asparagus with cherrytomatoes, olives and basil on the side. Hmmmmmm.

    546706 total books in Palem's superfun uhm hoi challenge.
    Made utopian faeries fly.
    Age 72 war win crown and honour crown.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uhm hoi View Post
    Need time to tinker with the messages?
    Of course he does. Gotta take out all the bullying first.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Posting full messages is about as reliable as a newspaper horoscope column. All in all, i doubt people actually care about your war, your side, our side or everything really. This stuff happens all the time in Utopia, whether you like it or not and whether its fair or not.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Last edited by Kurd; 10-11-2015 at 20:06. Reason: dubbel post...

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    kingdom 1 kingdom 2 kingdom 3 my head hurts..... me queen said this and me queen said that bla bla bla bullsh!it and more bullsh!sit so Uhm hoi are you the king of kingdom 1? or whas it 2?

    "From what I understand about the other kingdom you've used similar tactics and sent similar messages to them, you wouldnt stop until they warred. This kingdom however reached out to friends who'd hit into the hostile to try to get you to back off, but not everyone in that kingdom knew how the hostile meter worked and they ended up giving you the button from a far inferior position. We had no ties with either of these kingdoms before this started and we were going to raze into your war regardless of who'd you end up warring"

    You seem very enlightened on this issue. it is funny how you and your "queen" trying to justify it. It is a "****te" move and you and your kingdom mates knows about it.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Player in Dark Viking's KD here. Trying to explain things from my perspective.

    1. Alaska - I don't know about your messages with the leadership, but I heard about possible war with you guys and we waved you. You guys say no war and we asked for a CF offer. You sent it and we're done and move on. You were bigger than us at the time of our wave tho so I don't see how that would be bullying. Anyways not going to say much about this and get myself in trouble.

    2. The KD we are currently in war with - the ONLY conflict we had with them is one of us made a random hit into them long before the war (many days). They were a bit smaller. They retailed into us so we hit back (hopefully to get a war out of it since we are a warring KD and that's what we always look for). Some messages were exchanged with the leadership and we moved on. We have made mistakes hitting into/retailing/stealing into bigger KDs in the past and when they hit back or threaten to raze (or whatever they wana do) we just back off since we can't fight them. I don't see how that is a big deal.

    3. Kingdom A. We did wave them first looking for a war. They sent us CF and we are prepared to accept it and move on to find the next war. A few hours later they canceled the CF request and started hitting us back. OK great they want a war so we prepped up and started drake against them and funded it to 1gc. Kingdom A had the button for a while, went into fort and continued hitting us. A few days in, they still have not started dragon but are still hitting so we are wondering what's going on. While we are hostile with Kingdom A, the Kingdom we are currently warring started hitting us. At this stage, we have the option to either:

    A) Wait for Kingdom A to press the button since we already funded the dragon.
    B.) Declare war on the other Kingdom hitting us and hope to escape being hit 2 by 2 kingdoms.

    Obviously we decided on option B. We CANCELED the dragon on Kingdom A since that is the fair thing to do and soon after our declaration, Kingdom B decided to raze into our war out of nowhere. Right now we are in a war with Kingdom A and Kingdom B both razing us into the war.

    IMO I don't really see anything wrong here just usual Utopia warring KD business. We have been waved on while we are not ready before, took the hits, sent CF, rebuild and continue looking for war. Not really sure what the big deal is here. Kingdom A cancelled their CF and started hitting us back - that is a pretty obvious sign that they also want war. I don't see how this equates to us bullying them. If they didn't want war they should have waited for us to accept the CF then we will gladly move on.

    Just trying to clear up the air here since the other side seems to have a louder voice on the forums here. Typed this up quickly so let me know if anything is unclear and I'll try to clear it up. I'll answer as well as I can.
    Last edited by pacozolt; 10-11-2015 at 20:24.

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