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Thread: Respect

  1. #136
    Forum Addict
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    is that what you call it? you bottomfeed a kingdom below declare range and then cry cause another kingdom hits you? If that is your definition of a legit hostile then I guess yes.
    I don't lie and make excuses, I told you that.

    The minute you intend to war someone in range we'll stop I promise ;)
    ill be nice to you looking at your lack of diplo skills and understanding, and make a final cf offer in public this time.. get an eoacf with us, and we both move on from this..

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I will decline that offer on the grounds that you are not trustworthy. Integrity escapes you. Not to mention that you have been insulting once again.

    Your CFs are only good as long as they benefit you. As soon as they don't, you will find a reason to break it.

    Besides the fact that I will not leave another kingdom hang out to dry just to take the easy route. Easy is what you do, not us. We fought hard for every single honor point, for every war win and even for the war losses. And you know that, we warred you.

    Don't get me wrong you aren't the only kingdom that behaves like this. You just made the top of the list so fast because you do it more often than others and as a ranking kingdom you should lead by example. I think it's sad that you waste so much potential that your players have on foul play when you wouldn't need to do that.

  3. #138
    Quote Originally Posted by LoRD_SaMPuaN View Post
    ill be nice to you looking at your lack of diplo skills and understanding, and make a final cf offer in public this time.. get an eoacf with us, and we both move on from this..
    What a good way to show how you do diplomacy with no respect at all for others. This is the equivalent of saying, I'm sorry I'm better than you in every way so I'll offer you this carrot to chew on, now shoo. Well you think you are God's gift to Utopia FS, able to hit down anyone you wish with impunity and stand no repercussions for your actions. You are the bully in the playground who hitting people weaker than you know are unable to fight back, repeatedly for days on end. And when at last some of the weaker guys attempt to stand up to you, you play the victim card and cry out for punishment. But after this is over you will turn your attention to the next kid in the playground to pick on just to satisfy your own overinflated egos.

  4. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    I will decline that offer on the grounds that you are not trustworthy. Integrity escapes you. Not to mention that you have been insulting once again.

    Your CFs are only good as long as they benefit you. As soon as they don't, you will find a reason to break it.

    Besides the fact that I will not leave another kingdom hang out to dry just to take the easy route. Easy is what you do, not us. We fought hard for every single honor point, for every war win and even for the war losses. And you know that, we warred you.

    Don't get me wrong you aren't the only kingdom that behaves like this. You just made the top of the list so fast because you do it more often than others and as a ranking kingdom you should lead by example. I think it's sad that you waste so much potential that your players have on foul play when you wouldn't need to do that.
    im not insulting you by any means - you have no idea on how diplo works, and you have quickly demonstrated this by confirming you dont know the difference between an eoacf and a blank cf..

    also, thanks for admitting you have been working with ss on this double hostility, so they cant get away with blaming you..

    once again, your kd will suffer because of your shortcomings and stubbornness..

  5. #140
    Typical... How dare you stand up to me? I am the Mighty FS. Noone opposes me! Now you will face my wrath! Got anything new?

  6. #141
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    Unlike you my help comes without strings. SS didn't ask me to hit you. That was my decision. A decision I stand by. I saw what happened. Talked to them and talked to you.

    Plus don't forget I have been in their shoes. I know how your "diplomacy" works. And to all those that haven't felt their "style" rest assured it'll be your turn eventually.

    But you know what really prompted me to step in today after so many times not doing anything?
    I was helping to mediate between two kingdoms. A bigger kingdom(50kish acres) and a smaller one (20kish acres). The bigger one had hit the smaller one for a couple of days and they refused to answer mails or accept the cf. When I wrote to the kingdom their answer was that they had been fed on by bigger kingdoms so they were just trying to gain back what they lost. They now have a cf without further hits. But it was then that I decided this has to stop, right now.

  7. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    Unlike you my help comes without strings. SS didn't ask me to hit you. That was my decision. A decision I stand by. I saw what happened. Talked to them and talked to you.
    unsuccessful spinning techniques.. im sure ss decided to stall any diplo/cf attempts and get into this retal war all by themselves all in a sudden.. this is an obvious teamwork in a 2v1 situation..

    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    Plus don't forget I have been in their shoes. I know how your "diplomacy" works. And to all those that haven't felt their "style" rest assured it'll be your turn eventually.
    'We shall continue with learns and massacres on you until now you offer CF ;) remember since you are bigger you will lose far more than we will.' - remember this line, mirana? you thought we are helpless behind declaration range, and tried to force our hand but it blew in your hands.. again, im sure its our fault that, you have no idea how to get a cf, and you have no idea how declaration mechanics work..

  8. #143
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    and again i will remind you that that message was the 3rd one sent and AFTER I already sent a cf and you just kept hitting without response. Just like you didn't answer SS's mails. And the mails were read, your monarch was online. And before you say again you didn't receive any...the game is set up as monarchy, if you want to receive the mails then have your kingdom give you monarchy. But until that happens the current monarch will always be the one that is addressed and he is the one that represents your kingdom.

    I already said that I messed up and didn't stop before giving button. So not sure what point you are trying to make there. I never claimed to be above making mistakes.
    I make mistakes all the time, but this is not one of those times. I may know a little more about the game than you think...maybe ;)

    The only reason you are still even debating this is BECAUSE you know you are wrong, and BECAUSE you see it blew up in your face.

  9. #144
    Post Demon
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    Actually its beeing debated cause we dont like liars flinging mud on our shiny kd name.

    Have your fun for now.

  10. #145
    I like to post Sheister's Avatar
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    in a ditch by the side of the road
    there is still drama ongoing?

    Its Christmas time. Have some egg nog.
    "having fun warring when you have whoring and number 1 as a goal is totally pointless..." - Korp
    "while I heart shiester when we both play serious and are in the same kingdom, I hate shiester on the forums and pretty much disagree with everything he says. Even he knows this." - Flogger asking me out on a date

    The devs have made a decision to kill competitive utopia and have thereby killed my interest with it.

  11. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    so apparently we aren't allowed to discuss FS' behavior in the forum cause the thread was closed. So you may want to close this one as well . Wouldn't want anyone to know that the ones calling others dodgers themselves are dodging war.
    Or...the close button is right above the post button, but whatever floats your boat ;)

  12. #147
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    sorry Palem, I should have known you wouldn't close a thread just to protect FS reputation that's losing it's lackluster.

  13. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodwitch View Post
    sorry Palem, I should have known you wouldn't close a thread just to protect FS reputation that's losing it's lackluster.
    so FS is gaining luster, eh?

  14. #149
    Join Date
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    drama before xmas is always interesting :D

  15. #150
    Join Date
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    FS is definitely gaining something :) see it as a Christmas present. Merry Christmas!

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