Quote Originally Posted by Elit View Post
Yes if they have done it in this order technically they wont break deal. This will have put us again in 2vs1 situation and effective power play. Its not my fault they n00bed his ****s :P

How you see i don't blame Havoc alone for his deal break but ABS and special Dorje. On first place him being bad sportsmen. If you consider yourself for good you shold give credits to other when beat you in fair 1vs1 fight. Using lame tactics can gain you crown but not respect. Before this age i had most respect to Dorje from all ABS leaders because he know how to war. After this war i loss all respect to him. Its don't matter if you can war if you going to cheat your way for stop your competitor. Its tactic for losers.
I mean, lets be blunt, you weren't going to have the time to prep to fight havoc anyway.

They had like 2rwpa and billions of gold over you, and you were coming fresh OOW.

You were going to be multiple military per acre behind with a one-way dragon.

Pulling off that WW without sanc interference would've been more impressive than the pandas win over emeriti this age.

(Which makes it kind of sad/stupid that abs did what they did in the first place, even if I won't go so far as to call it wrong)