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Thread: Bring back the T/M :(

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  1. #29
    Sir Postalot
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    funny how much VT2 "knows" about the game

    when all of a sudden in one hour, you see that ~1/2 your wizzies are dead, followed up by a heaps of NM'ed troops (this age NM >>>>>>>>> NS) and a mass of hits put on your prov

    speed building WT's aint going to do much when all the action takes place over 1-2 hours =)

    also, possibly the best advice ever to a ghetto T/M player
    Quote Originally Posted by Crad View Post
    To all the people who ***** and moan about T/Ms being a waste of space:

    3 t/ms in my kd this age, were able to take defences of 3 enemy provinces that were originally sitting around 350k defence, slightly above double tap range for us. After they removed GS and then NMed each province down, they were sitting on 200k defence, triple range. Throw in an elf to PF and begin chains, after tick the prov is 100k defence, and open to quads from all hitters.

    So, w/o the t/ms we have 3 extra attackers, a total of 24. Each of which is unlikely to do more than a Double tap, but lets assume double taps, so 48 total hits. Add in 3 t/ms, and you lose 6 hits, 42. However, by removing so much defence, and opening those provinces up for triples, the remaining 21 hitters can now hit 3-4x each, a total of 63+, closer to 75. So losing 6 hits from a t/m, gains you almost 30 hits overall.

    To the ghetto players who complain about turtling delves in your kd this age, srsly, are you kidding me? Every t/m in my kd this age was open to hits from most of the enemy provinces. You can't run more than 70-80 dpa as a proper t/m, the only thing that keeps you safe in war is that there are provinces with much less defence around you thus making you safe. If you cant remove a t/m this coming age with the offencive elites planned, then get better. No proper attacker would ever let a t/m get more def in than thier off, simple.

    Quit complaining if all you've ever done or seen is a crap t/m. 3-4 raw tpa/wpa is a hybrid. 6+ is a solid t/m, 7-8 raw tpa/wpa is what its all about.
    Last edited by _greenie; 27-01-2010 at 02:11.
    Deliverance -> secrets -> anzac -> mercy -> rage -> "ghetto"

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